Christ the King Church, Philadelphia issued the following announcement on September 13.
Dear Friend,
This Sunday is the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time. A big change this week will be the return of the 8 AM Sunday Mass. The weekend Mass schedule includes the Saturday evening 5 PM Mass and Sunday morning Masses at 8 and 10 AM. We have decided to eliminate the Noon Mass. Hope we can get some 8 AM veterans to return to Church.
Our Parish School re-opened this past Wednesday for grades 1-8 and for Kindergarten and Pre-Kindergarten this Monday. Kids haven’t been in school since the middle of March. We’re happy to welcome them back in person. There were parent meetings online last week, too. Say a prayer that we’ll be able to stay open.
Our Parish CCD Program begins virtually this Sunday September 13th at 11:15 AM. If you haven’t already registered, please submit the registration form and remit payment to the Rectory this week so your child is enrolled in our program for the 2020-2021 PREP school year. Registration forms are available at the Rectory. Information concerning book distribution and online access will follow.
Our Parish Jackpot Drawing began again last Tuesday, September 8th. The $16,000 prize wasn’t awarded last week so we go on to $16,500 this week. There are some differences including a different way tickets will be available in Church, but we’re happy to be able to begin again. I’m most grateful to the faithful jackpot workers who returned. If you’d like to help, we’d be glad to have you. Weekly drawings will be on Monday nights.
The Christ the King Parish School Board is hosting a Golf Outing to benefit the parish school. It will be held on Monday, October 12th at Bensalem Township Country Club. Put together a foursome for a good time for a good cause. A number of businesses have responded to our request for sponsors. We’re still looking for more. Contact Terri Cristofaro for more information-215-281-2810.
I continue to give thanks to the folks who made extra efforts to make contributions to the parish these past months----at Mass, in the mail, in the rectory mail slot and through Parish Giving. The Stewardship of all is key to the life of the parish. A most important part of parish life is the Annual Fall Appeal. Like the weekly collections, the Fall Appeal (former Block Collection) is something we depend on. Hopefully you received a Fall Appeal mailing this week. With your help, our parish will continue to be a place for worship, community, service, and learning for years to come. Know that your participation and regular contributions make a lasting impact. Our parish is grateful to have faithful stewards to help us ensure the prosperity of our spiritual home. Your kindness enables us to have a future.
As I stated earlier, weekend Masses be at 5 PM on Saturday night and Sunday morning Masses will be at 8 and 10 AM. Sunday Mass will also be posted or shared on Facebook at 10 AM each week. Thanks for the cooperation of all who have been with us since we re-opened the Church. There is still a dispensation from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass. You’re most welcome to be with us but if you’re not comfortable coming, stay home and join us at 10 AM for the live-streamed Mass. Weekday Masses are Monday to Saturday at 8 AM. We’ve also continued having confessions on Saturday afternoons.
Take note of a great event at the 5 PM Mass next Saturday night. We’ll be dedicating the first pew in front of the Blessed Mother Shrine to our beloved parish patriarch Max Natali, who died during the summer. September 19th will be his 99th birthday. A simple engraved plaque will be placed on the pew honoring Max with his famous response when asked how he was doing-----“Wonderful, Marvelous and Terrific”.
Enjoy the beginnings of the new Church year!
Father Callahan
Original source can be found here.