St. Gabriel Church recently issued the following announcement.
Congratulations to our Youth & adult RCIA students, who received [what would have been their Easter Vigil] Sacraments on Saturday, 8/29 with Fr. Gillin! Katelynn & Kole Raspa received First Holy Communion, Eddie Jeffery received Confirmation and First Holy Communion, and the following received Baptism, Confirmation, and 1st Communion: McKayla & McKenzie Gieder, Chrissi McDonnell, Khamai Orange, Logan Palmer, Domenic & Phillip Salomone.
May you nurture the FRESH LIFE OF GRACE our Lord has given you! 1st Communion banner kits are available for pickup at the back of Church, before or after Mass. Confirmation for 7th graders is at Noon Sunday, November 22, 2020 by Bishop Edward Adams. Questions, contact Mrs. McGovern DRE.
Original source can be found here.