Holy Family Church, Nazareth issued the following announcement on Nov. 4.
Orders can be taken until November 13th.
Treat your family to a delicious, old fashioned cheesecake from Pocono Cheesecake.
6” frozen cheesecakes are available for $12 each in these flavors…
Ultimate Plain, Raspberry Swirl, Peanut Butter Cup, Chocolate and Pumpkin.
Place your order online at: https://holy-family-school.square.site
To pay by cash/check place your order in an envelope marked “cheesecake fundraiser” including your name, phone #, email address and what you would like to order to Holy Family School by Nov. 13.
Payment payable to HFHSA .
Delivery will be at Holy Family School on Mon., November 23rd.
Afternoon & evening pick up times will be posted next week.
Original source can be found here.
Source: Holy Family Church, Nazareth