St. Joseph Church, Warrington issued the following announcement on Nov. 19.
This week we will be celebrating Thanksgiving. You are invited to join us for a Mass on Thanksgiving morning, November 26th at 9:00 A.M. Please note the time change. There will be no 8:00 Mass that day. Because of Coronavirus concerns, we will not be giving out blessed bread, however if you want to bring some bread or other symbolic food item from your Thanksgiving table, keep it in your pew and it will be blessed at the 9:00 A.M. Mass.
We started our Giving Tree program. This is the annual opportunity to provide gifts to the less fortunate. We ask you to take a “gift tag” off the tree in the sanctuary, which identifies a specific need for the various charitable organizations that we help. Then you are asked to supply a gift card in the amount of $25 – $35 from a department store, or check to St. Joseph (for tuition) to help meet the particular need. We ask that you return the card to the Giving Tree Box – placed at the base of the tree by Dec. 8th so they may be distributed to those in need, with enough time to get their shopping done. If you are not yet coming to church because of Coronavirus concerns, you do not need to have a gift tag in order to submit a Giving Tree Donation. You can put the gift card or check in an envelope and put it in weekly donation lock box in the back hallway, drop it off at the rectory or in the mail slot of the rectory door and we will see that it gets distributed to one of our charities. The people of this parish have always been very generous with this program and we are very grateful for your support.
Original source can be found here.