
ST. ANGELA CHURCH: K.O.C. Bishop's Project Christmas Seals


Press release submission Nov 23, 2020


St. Angela Church issued the following announcement on Nov. 22.

Knights of Columbus Christmas Seals will be available in the back of all churches beginning on November 28th and will remain available throughout Advent. The Bishops Project , with donations totaling over $6- million, has helped serve intellectually disabled and / or physically challenged youth and adults in the Saint Anthony Schools and McGuire Memorial Home and Schools for almost 60 years. All you need to do is pick up a packet of seals and send in your donation in the postage paid return envelope. If you have any questions or need additional info please see www.bishopsprojectkofc.org, https:// www.facebook.com/KoCBishopsProject/, or contact Joe Krol at (412) 751-5493. Your support is much appreciated!!! Vivat Jesus!

Original source can be found here.

Source: St. Angela Church

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