Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Carbondale issued the following announcement on Nov. 29
Readings for the week of November 29, 2020
Sunday: Is 63:16b17, 19b; 64:27/Ps 80:23, 1516, 1819 [4]/1 Cor 1:39/Mk 13:3337
Monday: Rom 10:918/Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 11 [10]/Mt 4:1822
Tuesday: Is 11:110/ Ps 72:12, 78, 1213, 17 [cf. 7]/Lk 10:2124
Wednesday: Is 25:610a/Ps 23:13a, 3b4, 5, 6 [6cd]/Mt 15:2937
Thursday: Is 26:16/Ps 118:1 and 89, 1921, 2527a [26a]/Mt 7:21, 2427
Friday: Is 29:1724/Ps 27:1, 4, 1314 [1a]/Mt 9:2731
Saturday: Is 30:1921, 2326/Ps 147:12, 34, 56 [cf. Is 30:18d]/Mt 9:3510:1, 5a, 68
Next Sunday: Is 40:15, 911/Ps 85:910, 1112, 1314 [8]/2 Pt 3:814/Mk 1:18
Original source can be found here.