Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary - McSherrystown PA
Here are upcoming Mass times intentions for Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary - McSherrystown, PA:
SATURDAY (7-2-22)
4:00PM Loretta Jane Topper
SUNDAY (7-3-22) 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00AM People of the Parish
10:00AM Mary Colgan
6:00PM R. James Breighner
MONDAY (7-4-22) Weekday
6:00PM Leo J. & Sylvia R. Krichten
TUESDAY (7-5-22) Weekday
8:15AM James Long
WEDNESDAY (7-6-22) Weekday
8:15AM Elaine Murren
THURSDAY (7-7-22) Weekday
8:15AM Charles F. Zeigler
FRIDAY (7-8-22) Weekday
8:15AM Lois Zinn
SATURDAY (7-9-22)
4:00PM Robert & Rebecca Kuhn
SUNDAY (7-10-22) 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time
8:00AM People of the Parish
10:00AM Robert L. Hahn, Sr
6:00PM Lawrence “Gump” Bolin